Hello I am sorry to hear that. At what time is this usually happening? At the beginning, middle, or at random time? Did you try re-starting your computer? What is your system specs, ram, cpu, os, etc.?
The crashes happen randomly throughout the game, sometimes later, sometimes earlier. Yes, I did restart my computer. I'm on Windows, a standard Intel i7 CPU with 16 GB of RAM.
Guys I have been trying to replicate a crash but no success so far. If anyone can send me files in C:\windows\temp\Riv3r\Paranormal Inc.\
if ths path doesn't exist try to search "Riv3r\Paranormal Inc" path and send me files inside this location after the crash. you can send to: contact@riv3r.com
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I keep experiencing random crashes. I haven't been able to finish a shift yet. Any help is appreciated
Hello I am sorry to hear that. At what time is this usually happening? At the beginning, middle, or at random time? Did you try re-starting your computer? What is your system specs, ram, cpu, os, etc.?
The crashes happen randomly throughout the game, sometimes later, sometimes earlier. Yes, I did restart my computer. I'm on Windows, a standard Intel i7 CPU with 16 GB of RAM.
omg I thought it was just me it was driving me nuts lol
me too
Guys I have been trying to replicate a crash but no success so far. If anyone can send me files in C:\windows\temp\Riv3r\Paranormal Inc.\
if ths path doesn't exist try to search "Riv3r\Paranormal Inc" path and send me files inside this location after the crash. you can send to: contact@riv3r.com
Thanks for playing :)
any plans for more locations? this was really well made!
Thank you very much. Yes I am planning to add more locations soon.
cool . tu sei un dev italiano?
No. Sono Turco. Ma molte lingue sono supportate.
ok nice idea